
There is an introduction to RPython in the RPython language documentation, which explains what subset of Python constitutes valid RPython.

It is not critical that you read that page from top to bottom (yet, probably not even at all at least for today).

The most important things to remember from the start are:

  • You cannot mix objects of “un-unifyable” types in the same collection. Lists must contain all strs, or all instances of a class. It does not have to be the same exact class, the classes just have to be unifyable, which means that there is some common base class between them (at the RPython level this cannot be object, so you can’t mix ints with instances of your RPython class). Relatedly, you can mix None with some types, but not others. See the documentation page above for details.
  • Most of the (Python) standard library (and similarly external modules) are not valid RPython. There is a separate, smaller RPython standard library. With a few exceptions, it comprises the external RPython code you have available.
  • Write simple code and it is likely to be easily converted to RPython even if it is invalid. If your code is complex, it will likely need untangling once you try and translate it.

Unfortunately the most important rule though is the one at the top of the documentation, that if it translates, it’s valid, and if it ain’t, it isn’t.

Two Specific Notes

Besides the above, there are two specific things which you might find surprising initially that are worth learning upfront.

Firstly, the RPython toolchain will expect an entry point similar to the one expected when writing C code. By default it will expect a function called main in the file you pass to the rpython binary (explained shortly). The function should return an int as main would in C. This is where the translation process which we’ll discuss (as well as your interpreter) will begin.

Secondly, the assert statement in RPython has special semantics. Whereas in Python it is generally used to describe invariants that should never be false in a piece of code, in RPython it additionally makes an assertion of that invariant to the toolchain itself so that the toolchain can make use of that information.

As a quick example, you’ll likely soon notice once we begin writing our parser that the toolchain will complain during translation if for instance you have:

class Parent(object):

class ChildA(Parent):
   attr_only_on_this_child = 12

class ChildB(Parent):

and you try and access attr_only_on_this_child even if you only pass in instances of ChildA. You will need to tell the toolchain that you are guaranteeing that only instances of ChildA will be there, and not ChildB, and the way to do so is by saying assert isinstance(myinstance, ChildA), which signals that exact fact.