Some Example Interpreters

As we move forward with our own interpreter, it will be helpful to have other interpreters that we can reference if and when we are stuck, either with design or implementation.

To start with, besides CyCy which we have already cloned, let’s retrieve two more interpreters written with RPython.

First, let’s clone the “official” RPython example interpreter. It lives on BitBucket.


To clone it, you’ll need the mercurial VCS. If you do not already have mercurial, you can install it as any other Python package via

$ pip install –user mercurial

In this instance personal recommendation is to install mercurial globally, but feel free to install it into a virtualenv as well if you wish.


$ hg clone

to grab a copy of it. Take the same quick flip through the source code as you did through CyCy. You’ll hopefully notice some surface-level similarities because CyCy was written via the same strategy of occasional glancing at the example interpreter for inspiration.

As we progress through writing our own interpreter, you now have at least a pair of interpreters to reference. In order of complexity, we have:

  • the example interpreter implementing a toy language similar to our own
  • CyCy implementing a small subset of C

Let’s also clone the Topaz and PyPy interpreters as well. These interpreters are full-blown (real-world) projects with all of the considerations that brings, so they come with huge additional levels of complexity. Try not to be flustered by it, we clone them now for two reasons:

  • familiarity with Python might in some way provide additional guidance if you can manage to find the associated implementation in PyPy
  • both repos are large – we might want to take quick looks at PyPy later in the day, so we’ll clone them up front. Feel free to leave the clone running in the background while we proceed.

You can find Topaz at

Other Resources

There are a number of other resources that will be useful as we work:

  • the RPython documentation which you’ll likely want to keep open for reference throughout the tutorial
  • the #pypy IRC channel on Freenode which you might like to join, especially if you have an issue that we can’t figure out in person. See to connect if you do not already have an IRC client.