A Snap Compiler

We have the foundation of a parser, which means we now can convert source code into programmatic representations of an AST.

Our objective now is to be able to compile an AST into bytecode. Our bytecode, roughly speaking, is similar to bytecode you likely will have encountered at least in passing with Python.

It is a sequence of bytes which program (what will become) our virtual machine, in an analogous way to how machine code is a sequence of bytes that programs our CPU.

Our compiler will take an AST and walk it to produce a single stream of bytecode that encapsulates the instructions we need to execute.

Designing bytecode languages is an art unto itself, but our fundamental goal during compilation is to create a simple language that manipulates a stack which we will maintain as our VM.

For example, here is a human-readable rendering of what adding two numbers might look like for our VM:


The interpretation of these three instructions are:

  • load a particular constant, whose ID is 0 (we’ll maintain constants in an array, so this will be an index specifying the constant within the array), then push its value onto our stack
  • do the same for another constant with ID 1
  • pop the top two entries off the stack, perform addition, and push the result back onto the stack

The non-human readable version should use simple bytes to represent the actual instructions ultimately, which the VM will then dispatch on.

First Steps

Your compiler should operate on an AST, and ultimately will produce bytecode: a simple sequence of bytes which our upcoming VM will execute.

In fairly typical OO style, generally it will simply delegate to each of your AST nodes for compilation, in which case each node will know how to compile itself by producing a sequence of our bytecode that it corresponds to.

We’ll need to store state during our compilation process. We need at least a place to store variables and one to store constants that the bytecode we generate will reference.

For a concrete example, a simple constant node like the one we’ll need for integers or strings should compile itself by simply registering itself as a constant on an object that is keeping context for the compilation. It should then emit a bytecode that when executed will retrieve the corresponding constant from the context object.

In the bytecode we will emit, loading this constant for use on the stack will consist of accessing an appropriate element within a registered constants list by index.

Compiler Tests

Write your first compiler test! There are (at least) two ways to test your compiler. One is in integration with your parser, by asserting that some inputted source code parses and then compiles into an expected piece of bytecode. The other is to test direct compilation of an AST.

Try out both methods and see which you find easier to read. You may also find it convenient to have a way to produce human-readable bytecode dumping for your bytecode, which should produce output similar to our first example above, or to what you’d get out of the dis module.